In the wake of last years Supreme Court ruling Kelo v. City of New London, over six (6) states passed amendments which limit the ability of the government to seize property via eminent domain. Initiatives which dealt with illegal immigration also met with rousing support. The voters in
More surprisingly,
So what does all this information tell us? First of all, it indicates that the American people are far more conservative than the media would have us believe. Measures which protect traditional marriage, property rights, and repeal affirmative action are not initiatives which liberals favor. However, some measures which conservatives oppose also fell afoul of the voters. Six (6) states passed minimum wage hikes. Now, few states in the union adhere to the federal minimum wage of $5.15. In fact, the minimum wage in some states is as high as $7.00 an hour. Overall, however, the American people are moderate conservatives who favor initiatives which protect traditional American values and limit governmental intrusions into our lives.
The success and failure of certain ballot measures also tells us something about the Republican Party. After all, Republicans recently lost their majority in both houses of Congress and support for the President is hovering around 40%. This indicates that the Republican Party has drifted astray from its Conservative moorings and failed to deliver on its many promises to the American people. A perfunctory examination of the ballot initiatives this past election should bring hope, and regret, to all Conservatives. Regret for the time lost in implementing Social Security reform, Medicare reform, immigration reform, and a limiting of governmental power. But hope in the future of Conservatism and the American dream. A hope that one day, leaders will arise who will deliver on their promises and stand on principle.
excellent post, sir.
in addition, i think the presence of another blogger that i know personally might encourage me to start blogging more frequently.
I am glad to here it. The piece you penned regarding the UAE Ports fiasco was excellent. Maybe political commentary should be your métier.
why thank you.
i'm hoping, though, that that isn't an implicit comment on my most recent post?
(btw, it never ceases to amaze me that you can use words such as "métier" correctly and still use the wrong "here" :P)
It was not:)
Regarding the "here" mistake, I want everyone to here that I am a big idea person and that my creativity must not be fettered with proper English.
hm, i've heard better excuses. :P
jk, jk. ;)
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