Friday, December 22, 2006
Football and Politics
I could not help but see the parallel between the Cincinnati Bengals and the Republican Party. For instance, days before the 2006 midterm elections, the Senate was able to pass a bill which authorized the construction of a border fence over 700 miles of the 2000 mile border between the United States and Mexico. However, it gradually leaked out that while the bill passed the Senate by a wide margin, it had NO funding. In other words, nearly 80 Senators passed a bill to construct a border fence for the sole purpose of political expediency. Republicans wanted to inflate the stat sheet while doing nothing to solve America's nagging problems.
The federal budget deficit is yet another area where half measures have been put into place. Our Senators and Congressmen have decided to "trim" the budget, instead of drastically reducing spending and cutting government waste.
In recent years, politicians have kicked field goals instead of taking the risk and going for the win. While failure is a definite possibility, half-measures will never fix our problems or ensure that America wins the future.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Okay, I Guess I'm not that Important
When we examine previous winners of this coveted award, we see names such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Richard Nixon. The Person of the Year award should go to the individual (or individuals) who merit special recognition and who are charting a new path in the course of human history.
Most commentators thought that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would receive the award. Over the past year, Ahmadinejad has made headlines for his country's unwavering pursuit of nuclear power. His anti-Israeli comments and support for terrorist activity makes him the foremost power-player in the Middle East.
TIME's snub of Ahmadinejad is yet another example of how the media is downplaying the danger Iran poses to the West. Though Iran's leaders have called for America's demise, media outlets have continually turned a deaf ear to Ahmadinejad's regime. Our inability to fully assess the threat posed by Iran and radical Islam bears a startling parallel to our country's actions and attitudes toward Adolph Hitler in the months before World War II.
So ten years from now, will we see a transformed world through the use of MySpace or as a result of the firebrand, belligerent President of Iran. Both Pat Buchanan and I think the latter.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I Finally Won Something!!!,2933,236978,00.html
Evan Bayh will NOT Run for President
"At the end of the day, I concluded that due to circumstances beyond our control the odds were longer than I felt I could responsibly pursue," Bayh said in a statement. "This path - and these long odds - would have required me to be essentially absent from the Senate for the next year instead of working to help the people of my state and the nation."
It also appears that Bayh may be withdrawing from the Presidential race in order to concentrate on securing the Vice-Presidency. The two-term senator and two-term governor has a record of appealling to both sides of the aisle, an invaluable characteristic if the Democrats nominate an extreme liberal such as Barack Obama.LWS
Thursday, December 14, 2006
First Obama Ad to Air in New Hampshire
However, Russia's threat to end gas supplies to Belarus is somewhat unprecedented. As the Financial Times realized, Belarus "has been happy to remain in Moscow's orbit." However, "Analysts see the demand [a four-fold price increase for natural gas] as punishment for the deliver on promises of closer integration with Russia."
Russian actions should be a wake up call to the West. As more and more former satellite countries rebel against the motherland, Moscow is doing everything within its power to consolidate its rule and retain its influence over other regional political entities. A candid examination of Russian domestic and foreign policy will tell us a significant amount of information on where the country is headed.
Whether or not Putin was directly responsible for the death of Alexander Litvinenko, there is little doubt that his poisoning was carried out by the KGB remnants in Russia. The intrigue surrounding Litvinenko is indicative of the political situation in Russia. Dissidents are being jailed and thousands of Chechnians have vanished in the past decade.
Other freedoms are also being curtailed by the Russian government. As reprehensible as the movie "Borat" may be, we in America have the freedom to go see whatever movie we wish. Interestingly enough, the movie was recently banned by the Russian government, even though the movie does not criticize Russia in any way. Furthermore, Russia has given stringent guidelines and threatened to evict all NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) from the nation.
Freedom and governmental transparency in Russia is in dire straits. With the election of Boris Yelstin following the breakup of the Soviet Union in the early 90s, the Soviet Union was religated to the anals of history. However, recent events make me wonder if the USSR will rise from the pages of history textbooks an even stronger nemesis than before.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Even More Crowded
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Decision for Disaster
However, as the Economist so poignantly asserted, setting an arbitrary date for troop withdrawl would be disastrous. Enacting such a proposal would mean that US troops must leave Iraq, even if the mission remains unaccomplished. Though the war strategy has been rather unsuccessful, leaving Iraq to the mercy of radical insurgents and the mullahs of Iran could very well embroil the Middle East in a full scale war.
Recently, information was obtained by several news sources which indicated that if the United States left Iraq soon, Saudi Arabia would flood the oil market in order to limit the capital Iran can use in fomenting a rebellion in Iraq. The Saudis and Iran are historical enemies and an insecure Iraq could tip the balance of power in the Middle East, setting off a disastrous regional struggle.
Though the Iraq Study Group may be right in concluding that Bush mishandled the Iraq War and that victory is far from near, to enact the proposals of the Baker-Hamilton Committee would damage US prestige and leave the Middle East in a state of instability and conflict.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Democrats and Socialists: Kindred Spirits
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
John Edwards Lines up Support
Poll of the Week: What should John Edwards do?
A. Run for President
B. Run for Senate
C. Chase more ambulances
D. Become a fashion model
Let me know what you think by posting a comment on this article.
Monday, December 4, 2006
Vilsack on Abortion
-Roe v. Wade should NOT be overturned
-Parental notification should be required of a minor before having an abortion
-Supports a ban on late-term abortion
-"The decision to have or not have an abortion is and should be the patient’s decision." (Tom Vilsack)
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Shroud of Mystery
“Vilsack proposed pulling troops out of southern and central
“A military presence may also be necessary to put pressure on
“Once American troops are out of harm's way in
I’m sure
Vilsack also supports school choice. (
Friday, December 1, 2006
Indiana Senator Evan Bayh to Launch Presidential Bid
Straw Poll :
Mehlman: GOP Must Correct its Mistakes
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Iowa Governor Launches Presidential Bid
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Breaking News: Radiation Found on Two British Airways Aircraft,,2-2478909,00.html
The Google Revolution
Ever since the government of
Through using Google Earth, every Bahraini can see the societal stratification which exists in the region.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Gingrich: Free Speech Laws May Need to be Altered
Impeached Judge will NOT become Committee Chairman
*Check this blog tomorrow for a commentary on the revolution Google Earth is inspiring in the Middle East*
Monday, November 27, 2006
Article of the Week
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Obama '08?
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Top Saturday News Stories
Christian Science Monitor:
Reuters: Former Abu Ghraib Prison Commander Says Rumsfeld Approved Prisoner Abuse
Human Events Online:
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Conservative Majority
In the wake of last years Supreme Court ruling Kelo v. City of New London, over six (6) states passed amendments which limit the ability of the government to seize property via eminent domain. Initiatives which dealt with illegal immigration also met with rousing support. The voters in
More surprisingly,
So what does all this information tell us? First of all, it indicates that the American people are far more conservative than the media would have us believe. Measures which protect traditional marriage, property rights, and repeal affirmative action are not initiatives which liberals favor. However, some measures which conservatives oppose also fell afoul of the voters. Six (6) states passed minimum wage hikes. Now, few states in the union adhere to the federal minimum wage of $5.15. In fact, the minimum wage in some states is as high as $7.00 an hour. Overall, however, the American people are moderate conservatives who favor initiatives which protect traditional American values and limit governmental intrusions into our lives.
The success and failure of certain ballot measures also tells us something about the Republican Party. After all, Republicans recently lost their majority in both houses of Congress and support for the President is hovering around 40%. This indicates that the Republican Party has drifted astray from its Conservative moorings and failed to deliver on its many promises to the American people. A perfunctory examination of the ballot initiatives this past election should bring hope, and regret, to all Conservatives. Regret for the time lost in implementing Social Security reform, Medicare reform, immigration reform, and a limiting of governmental power. But hope in the future of Conservatism and the American dream. A hope that one day, leaders will arise who will deliver on their promises and stand on principle.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Top News Stories of the Week
Both Fox News and the Drudge Report are reporting that a former KGB spy who was poisoned three weeks ago has died of heart failure. Some suggest that Alexander Litvinenko's poisoning was ordered directly by Russian President Vladamir Putin.
The Assasination of the Lebanese Minister of Industry, Pierre Gemayel, Sparks Tension in the Region .
New Party, New Lobbyists, Same Old Problem.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Culture of Corruption
One reason voters gave for rejecting Republican candidates this past election cycle was the “culture of corruption” which permeated the national Republican Party. The Mark Foley and Tom Delay scandals have harmed the image of the party, though not irreparably. Though most Americans have knowledge of Republican ethics failings, only a few Americans seem to realize that the party they just gave a majority in the House and Senate has far fewer ethical scruples than their predecessors. John Murtha, Alcee Hastings, and Denny Hoyer are three senior democrats whose ethical failings supersede any Republican ethics violations, real or imaginary.
Last week, John Murtha lost in his bid to become House Majority leader. However, he did receive a significant amount of support from his party and its leader, Nancy Pelosi. In fact, John Murtha was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Abscam investigation of several years back. In a conversation with undercover FBI agents posing as Arab sheiks, Murtha said he would not accept a bribe…yet. The following is an excerpt from the conversation between the undercover agents and John Murtha. The full text is available at
MURTHA: I'm not interested.
MURTHA: At this point.
MURTHA: You know, we do business for a while, maybe I'll be interested, maybe I won't, you know.
AMOROSO: Okay, hey like I say, if the way you're wanting to do business is by us investing, or putting some money in a bank that you either owe a favor or they owe you a favor, or if we put the money in they'll do something for you, if that's the way you want the favor, that's fine. Okay? What I told Howard, when I mentioned it to Howard, I said to him, "Look, it's worth fifty thousand." I said, if, as honest as I am with you, and I told him I says, "If...the thing were to change, if for some reason it changes, whoever the guy is has got the option, either he says, 'Hey, that's not what you told me, based on that, I can't do anything for you,' or..."
MURTHA: I wouldn't do business any other way.
And yet, Murtha is hardly the most corrupt member of the new majority. Alcee Hastings, who will now become the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Terror and Homeland Security, is the epitome of corruption. However, few Americans know of Congressman Hastings previous occupation. Alcee Hastings was once a federal judge in the state of
Though they may have regained power, the American people will not be fooled long. The true colors of the Democrats will soon be shown. Their party does not represent the party of change and transparency. Au Contraire. Allowing men like Murtha, Hastings, and Hoyer to lead them, the Democratic Party has sealed its own fate and lost the opportunity to bring ethics reform to
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Top News Stories of the Week,2933,228900,00.html
Friction between the European Union and Turkey might tear apart any chance Turkey has of joining the EU.
Germany may charge Donald Rumsfeld over Prisoner Abuse.,8816,1557842,00.html
Elton John: "I would ban religion completely."
Friday, November 10, 2006
Why We Lost
When Republicans took back the House of Representatives in 1994, we all expected the country to change. What is remarkable, is, in fact, how little it changed. With Newt Gingrich's "Contract for America", Conservatives and Moderates alike believed that the Republican Party would succeed in making the country a better place. Hopes were high that the Republican Congress would fix Social Security, Medicare, Immigration, and a host of similar problems plaguing this country.
However, as time went on, it became clear that the Republicans would not fix these problems. Most of the party gave up on Gingrich's "Contract for America" and contented themselves with remaining in power by embracing the status quo.
In the past dozen years of Republican dominance in Congress, little has changed. The reforms we were promised never occurred, the ideals we held in common were never put into practice. The Republicans defeated themselves this past Tuesday. They defeated themselves because they lost sight of their goals, embraced partisan politics, and lost the backbone to deal with issues of national importance. While the Republicans did make some progress (the partial birth abortion ban), they deserved to lose the election. They failed their Conservative base, the Republican Party, and the American people.